28 February 2013

Welcome to the Lakes...

This is a special 'extra' Rangers' blog post to mark the arrival of National Trust colleagues from around the North West region (and some from further afield too!) joining us today in the Lakes for our annual pre-season Spring Conference. As the conference is in the Low Wood Hotel, Ambleside it's a 'home fixture' for the South Lakes team and the rangers have something special up their sleeves.

8.45 getting our exhibition stand ready before delegates arrive

11.15 Conference in full flow at the Low Wood .....

While our Ranger colleagues are busy at Brockhole making the outdoor activities ready for the delegates who will be arriving at lunchtime.

11.45 The first group takes to the boat from the Low Wood jetty heading for Brockhole ....

First the boat trip .... and those brilliant views!

 Then arriving at Brockhole...

At Brockhole and ready to try their hand at various activities organised and run by the Rangers, like flying a kite, Tramper riding and the popular broomstick-making.

Then back to the Low Wood for lunch with finished brooms clutched in hand ... And then the second group, who had lunch first set off for their turn.....

2.15 By now everyone was back in the conference room for the afternoon session.

A great time was had by all; lots of people were saying this was the best conference they had attended and refreshed from their trip out they were set up for an interesting afternoon with presentations from the other speakers including our new Director General Helen Ghosh.

With weather like this and the chance to 'get out and closer to nature' to enjoy it we think the 2013 Conference will be remembered (for all the right reasons!) for a long time (and thanks to Windermere Lake cruises for the lovely boat trip too).

post Linda
photos (sent as they happened and seen on our stand in the conference room) John M and John A.